She said if you dare come a little closer
She said if you dare come a little closer

Now Americans are loading up on guns at historic rates. In almost every major city murder rates are the highest they've been in three decades.

she said if you dare come a little closer

Police officers that have been shot and killed in 2021 are at an all-time high. Joe Biden dead silent on the Waukesha massacre, but wouldn't shut up about Kyle Rittenhouse last year - disgraceful. A black nationalist and convicted sex offender with a felony rap sheet posted low bail twice this year after punching his girlfriend in the face and running her over with his car. The Waukesha Christmas Parade attack left six people dead after Darrell Brooks, Jr. No, Jen, they're likely out on bail from another crime spree.Īnother major problem Joe is not doing a damn thing about, bail reform. I'm sure the gangs grabbing Louis Vuitton handbags think they are filled with monoclonal antibodies. WATTERS: That's their answer every time something goes wrong, just blame the pandemic. JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Yes. Does the White House even know that that's going on?ĭOOCY: So when a huge group of criminals organizes themselves and they want to go loot a store at CVS, a Nordstrom, a Home Depot until the shelves are clean, you think that's because of the pandemic? Smash-and-grab thieves targeting stores from California to New York and everywhere in between. That's what the rest of the country is doing. WATTERS: Maybe I should just loot my gifts this Christmas.

she said if you dare come a little closer

WATTERS: But now, he is singing a much different tune.īIDEN: Now, I can't promise that every person will get every gift they want on time, only Santa Claus can keep that promise. They assured me that the shelves will be stocked in stores this Holiday. Wasn't Joe Biden supposed to have fixed the supply chain crisis when he made the ports stay open 24/7?īIDEN: I spoke with the CEOs personally, I spoke with the CEOs of the major retailers - Walmart, Target, and the leading freight movers, FedEx and UPS. Well, I went to go buy an iPad Mini for my daughter and the Apple Store says it won't arrive by the 25th. Holidays where shoppers can just get the gifts they want, right? All his vax mandates were blocked and then he suspended his own Federal vax mandates until after the Holidays. Joe Biden got dealt a huge blow in Court. So by Joe's own logic, he shouldn't remain President. WATTERS: Now, there has been more deaths in 2021 than in all of 2020. Anyone who is responsible for not taking control, in fact, not saying I take no responsibility, anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as President of the United States of America. If you hear nothing else I say tonight, hear this. JOE BIDEN (D), THEN CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Two hundred and twenty thousand Americans dead. WATTERS: Biden literally got elected because he politicized COVID. Biden is so dismayed though that people are politicizing COVID.īIDEN: I know COVID-19 has been very divisive in this country, it's become a political issue, which is a sad, sad commentary. WATTERS: We're in deep trouble this December. We kid each other, but, look who is President? Fauci. JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I've seen more of Dr. At this point, Fauci may as well be President. WATTERS: If Fauci was serious about stopping COVID-19, he'd tell Joe Biden to stop the caravans and Joe Biden might even listen to him. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: Everybody who is coming into the country needs to get a test within 24 hours of getting on the plane to come here.ĭOOCY: But what about people who don't take a plane and just these border crossers coming in in huge numbers? Fauci, as you advised the President about the possibility of new testing requirements for people coming into this country? Does that include everybody?ĭR. PETER DOOCY, FOX NEWS CHANNEL WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Dr.

she said if you dare come a little closer

And then Joe packs them onto planes and buses and sends them to your neighborhood. More masks, more testing, but unvaxxed illegals can just pour across the Southern border without testing, without quarantining. I'm worried about how the government is going to overreact to the new variant. The new COVID-19 variant, omicron, now spreading throughout the United States. WATTERS: So, how are we supposed to feel confident the President can crush the virus when he can't even get it together for a Christmas Tree lighting? This is a disaster. I kind of feel bad for LL, they needed to do a second take. These things just keep happening every single week. Maybe he thought Barack was going to light it. LL COOL J, ACTOR: President Biden and First Lady Dr. The Annual White House Christmas Tree lighting is always such a special event, except Joe Biden, the President seemingly forgot he was supposed to light it. That's the subject of tonight's Watters' Words. JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: Welcome to WATTERS' WORLD, I'm Jesse Watters.Ī December to remember.

She said if you dare come a little closer